Archived Work

A collection of past projects and artworks.

Color Palettes

Forest To Faaji, 2023, is a color palette designed to capture the daily journey of an urban traveler in the city of Detroit. The color palette was designed in the shape of Detroit's major roads and the colors and materials are inspired by the traveler's life in the city of Detroit and their Nigerian identity.

A Shocking Lady - 2020

"A Shocking Lady.” 18x23 in. Colored Pencil and Gouache.

Sisi Eko (Lagos Girl) - 2019

Sisi Eko, 2019, 9" x 12," is a 3 part series of a photograph translated into two different mediums. The first translation is a gouache painted created with a complementary color palette. The second translation is a lino cut print on printmaking paper. The third translation is a lino cut print on a Detroit printed newspaper.

Fibers and Textiles

Fiber studies created to reflect my custom color palette.
"Cultural Chaos." 2021. Flat View
"Cultural Chaos." 2021. Folded View
"Untitled." Ongoing. 45" x 72." Applique Textile Collage